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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (15178) 2019-01-09

xVRIESGOUDAEA ‘Jags Hunua Autumn’ Lambert, John / J. Mitchell* 2010

Mature open rosette to 65cm.diameter x 35cm. high. In strong, filtered light, the broad arching leaves are lime green overlaid in mottled pink hues, plus pastel red cross-banding, more concentrated on the foliage reverse. The erect, red-stemmed spike to 90cm tall has up to 9 branches with pointed, scarlet paddles. Grex siblings = x VG 'Jags Hunua Fire', 'Jags Hunua Fountain'.' Jags Hunua Gloss', 'Jags Hunua Rouge', 'Jags Hunua Tropicana'. Reg. Doc. 1/2019 by John Mitchell.
Country of origin: New Zealand

Seed Parent: Goudaea ospinae var. gruberi Pollen Parent: Vriesea Angela