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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (11008) 2012-11-22

xURSULEPIS ‘Sam Smith’ Smith S, Lawn G* 1992

Mature rosette up to 2 metres diameter x 1 metre high. Bronze green / pink to red foliage margined with brown spines. Arching or semi-pendant dense raceme of pink scape bracts, white lepidote stem and white ovaries tinged pink. Tawny gold petals. Reg Doc 3/2011 by G. Lawn.
Country of origin: Florida USA

Seed Parent: Ursulaea macvaughii Pollen Parent: Androlepis skinneri
Geoff Lawn, BSI Cultivar Registrar in J Brom Soc 61(2): 91. 2011