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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (15957) 2020-03-04

xSINCORPHYTUM ‘Rising Red Star’ Georgusis, James 2017

Mature plant consisting of one seedling which formed a large clump of 9 rosettes measuring a spread of 30" (75cm.) x 15" (37cm.) high. Glossy bright red, narrow leaves even when not in bloom. The clump has four inflorescences which rise above the flattened rosette about 5-6 " (to 15cm.) which are compound and display 3- petaled white flowers. Inner leaves surrounding the inflorescence turn intense scarlet during flowering. This clumping habit can be attributed to the O.. saxicola parent. Reg. Doc. 3/2020.
Country of origin: Louisiana USA

Seed Parent: Orthophytum saxicola Pollen Parent: Sincoraea navioides