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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (9572) 2010-05-11

xNIDUREGELIA ‘Thor’ Goode <1991

(Other cvs. = 'Something Special', 'Golden Vulkan' & 'Southern Cross') - Butcher said, "This plant appears to be 100% Neoregelia - Though the seed came from the same seed batch it clearly does not have a Nidularium pollen parent - open stiff leafed medium rosette w/mottled red on upper light green leaves - rounded tips w/apiculate points - evenly spined leaves - Neoregelia inflorescence". See Neoregelia 'Thor'

Seed Parent: Neoregelia Vulkan Pollen Parent: Nidularium fulgens
Butcher1991, JBS 39:215, GolinskiVideo1997