xNIDUREGELIA ‘Souvenir De Casimir’ |
Morobe’ Morobe, M. <1945 cv. of Nidularium rutilans X Neoregelia 'Marechalii' - Large wide leafed rosette of bright green faintly mottled w/inner rosette of brilliant shiny red. Dutrie said, "The appearance of this plant is that of Nidularium rutilans with the inflorescence well above the center. The bracteate leaves become colored with a beautiful cerise shade and are long lasting" - Bromeliad Treasury 1983 said, "The 18" open rosette is composed of 2" x 16" leaves that turn a light lavender on the upper surfaces and a deep lavender on the lower if grown in 70% shade".
Seed Parent: Nidularium rutilans |
Pollen Parent: Neoregelia 'Marechalii' |
BSI-ICBH-1979, BromsPadilla 126, JBS 33:73; 38:21, NJB1976, KentCat1972, FL1978