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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (9470) 2018-04-11

xNEOPHYTUM ‘Ralph Davis’ DeLeon N <1973

(See 'Galactic Warrior' for variegated form) - magnificent combination of the parents in an intense red flat rosette w/arching long thin leaves which taper to a point - the inflorescence is ball like in the center with whitish blooms. Also variegated form named 'Sensation' (JBS 35:37) - also form w/wide leaves called 'Wide Wings' - Bromeliad Treasury 1983 said, "The 24" radial rosette is much stiffer and more formal than the navioides parent - chinese red early in its growth if grown in 50% sun".

Seed Parent: Orthophytum navioides Pollen Parent: Neoregelia 'Meyendorffii'
JBS 30:262; 33:74; 35:37; 40:169,170ill, Baensch 136,137ill, SDDN1979, KentCat1972, MB1998