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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (9467) 2010-05-12

xNEOPHYTUM ‘Lymanii’ Foster, M.B. 1957

Resembles a giant form of Orthophytum navioides but its narrow flat leaves are more numerous, more delicate and arching - at anthesis only the center turns red (?) - white petals - 18" across - 4-5" high. Padilla said, " flower, nearly all the leaves turn red"?

Seed Parent: Neoregelia bahiana v. viridis Pollen Parent: Orthophytum navioides
JBS 8:73ill; 14:124ill; 26:88ill; 33:74; 37:99,104; 44:255; 47:208, BromPadilla126, ColorBromBDJill.