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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (9463) 2017-01-26

xNEOPHYTUM ‘Gary Hendrix’ DeLeon 1984

Bromeliad Treasury said, "Stiff narrow 3/8" x 12" leaves tapered to a point and the rosette is what we call radial w/stiff straight leaves radiating in all upward directions from a central point - color is lavender-red or fuchsia in 50% sun".
Country of origin: Florida USA

Seed Parent: Neoregelia princeps Pollen Parent: Orthophytum navioides
SUP-ICBH-1985, JBS 33:74, Shelldance1984, HerbHill1984, BromTreasury1983, MB1998