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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (17223) 2022-06-01

xNEOHYLAEAICUM ‘Bonita’ Johnson, Carol 1976

Mature, open rosette to 60cm. diameter. Plain green leaves with mid pink cup colour. and sunken inflorescence. Intermediate, mostly resembling the seed parent. Previously was classified as Neoregelia Bonita when registered in 1980. Transferred May, 2022 to x Neohylaeaicum .
Country of origin: Florida USA

Seed Parent: Hylaeaicum eleutheropetala Pollen Parent: Neoregelia 'Morrisoniana'
Reg. Doc. 1980. JBS 30:75, Pineapple Place Nursery 1981. .