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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (17276) 2022-07-28

xDYCKCOHNIA ‘Janara’ Santagata, Luigi circa 2014

Mature open rosette to 40 cm diameter x 30 cm high. Many arching, bronzed , pink-tinged green leaves with seasonal carmine red flushes towards the foliage tips.. Brown-tipped yellow spines to 5 mm long . Offsets at the base. Central, long-branched spike to 1.4 metres tall with dense, brown-bracted, orange flowered angled side laterals each to 60cm. long which continue blooming over time. Reg. Doc. 7/2022.
Country of origin: Italy

Seed Parent: Dyckia encholirioides Pollen Parent: Deuterocohnia longipetala