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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

<VRIESEA (2078)

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (16176) 2020-06-24

VRIESEA ‘Star Dancer’ Cameron, Mal & Michelle 2011

Mature, open rosette to 40cm. diameter x 25cm. high. On inner growth, whitish leaves tinted pink and lineated green with smudged / finely cross-banded dark green cross-banding towards the prominent, sepia red tips. Older foliage's outer portions tend to have more solid green cross-banding. Glyph Group. Reg. Doc. 6/2020.
Country of origin: Queensland Australia

Seed Parent: Forrest Pollen Parent: Rainbow Beach