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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

<VRIESEA (2078)

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (11513) 2013-06-05

VRIESEA ‘Germinyana’ Sanders <1893

Vriesea ‘Germinyana’ by Derek Butcher June 2013 While working on the WWW Bromeliad Society Taxon project I stumbled across Vriesea fenestralis Germinyana which is not acknowledged in Smith & Downs 1977. Investigation was needed! In Mez 1935 we read “Nota. - Formae foliis magis imprimis medio vitta vel vittis latioribus luteis striatis haecce: V. fenestralis Germinyana, Hort. Sanders. ex Rev. Hortic. LXV. (1893) 202 et ex Gartenfl. XLII. (1893) 305. - V. fenestralis var. variegata Hort. Duval. ex Gartenfl. XLII. (1893) 307.” Translated Note. Form with leaves more chiefly mid stripe or striated with wide yellow stripes Rev. Hortic. LXV. (1893) is not available on the internet but Gartenflora XLII. (1893) is and which reveals L. Wittmack writes about the International Gartenbau- Austellung in Ghent 23 Apr 1893. He writes that Sanders exhibited a Vriesea fenestralis Germinyana and describes it as being with yellow midstripe, in addition to part being totally yellow. On page 307 we find that Duval exhibited at Brussels a Vriesea fenestralis variegata described as being with yellow stripes. In Mez 1935 we read “Nota. - Formae foliis magis imprimis medio vitta vel vittis latioribus luteis striatis haecce: Translated Note. Form with leaves more chiefly mid stripe or striated with wide yellow stripes Rev. Hortic. LXV. (1893) is not available on the internet but Gartenflora XLII. (1893) is and which reveals L. Wittmack writes about the International Gartenbau- Austellung in Ghent 23 Apr 1893. He writes that Sanders exhibited a Vriesea fenestralis Germinyana and describes it as being with yellow midstripe, in addition to part being totally yellow. On page 307 we find that Duval exhibited at Brussels a Vriesea fenestralis variegata described as being with yellow stripes. See also 'Adroaldo' Note added 6/2013
Country of origin: England