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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

<VRIESEA (2078)

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (10694) 2011-11-05

VRIESEA ‘Honolulu Babe’ Catlan J ca 1980

Differs from 'Honolulu Beauty' in that the glyph markings are greenish brown not reddish/pink brown, Glyph Group. Mature rosette 65 cms. diameter x , 40 cms. high, 1 metre tall in spike. Reg. Doc. R Little 10/2011.
Country of origin: Qld Australia

Seed Parent: ‘Red Chestnut’ Pollen Parent: platynema var variegata