TILLANDSIA ‘Josee’ | Ven Der Velden BV | 1995 | |
Mature open, low rosette to 30cms. diameter x 15cms. high. Arching, mid-green, linear leaves, average each 1cm. wide, striped red at the base, tapering to a point. Erect, branched spike to 25cms. tall with pink-bracted ovoid-shaped "paddles", glossy green sepals and mauve flowers. A sported clone with a consistently-branched (1 to 6 branches) inflorescence originally discovered in 1995 as a single plant growing in a bed of T. cyanea cultivated at Ven Der Velden BV nursery, Sint, Oedenrode, Netherlands. Subsequently developed and tissue-cultured by the owners in 2003 and later patented in 2007. Reg. Doc. 8/2015 by G. Lawn. Country of origin: Netherlands | |||
U.S. Plant Patent PP20014 P2 ( U.S. Classification PLT/370) . European Classification AO1H5/12. |