NEOREGELIA ‘Painted Lady’ |
Yamamoto |
1962 |
cv. of ('Vulkan' x chlorosticta) X farinosa - (See 'Yamamoto's #9') - Small to medium rosette with apple green leaves randomly rough brushed with barn-red and heavily marked in red, green and ivory - pinched apiculate leaf tips in bright red - color patterns are memorable and recognizable - Bromeliad Treasury said, "Small to medium 12"-14" rosette has 2" x 8" outer leaves that are a greenish white and splotched and mottled w/reddish-pink markings - reddish pink flush becomes stronger toward the central leaves" - Good image in GolinskiVideo1997.
Seed Parent: 'Vulkan' x chlorosticta |
Pollen Parent: farinosa |
JBS 28:163; 31:192 ill, Grande 1:3 ill, Zaghini 13ill, BromKramer 121ill, Hill1984, BromTreasury1983