NEOREGELIA ‘Gorrion’ | Skotak, C. | 1989 | |
(#56-13) Small rosettet to 15cms. across - 12-16 leaves 1-2cms. across at midpoint - flushes a rich pink in good light - light blue petals - most resembles 'Fireball' - distinctive for its rich pink flush - small size and marginated variegation - very prolific. Grex siblings = N. Zoe, Rosy Fireball. This entry corrected 8/2013 Country of origin: Costa Rica | |||
Seed Parent: { (carolinae lineated x 'Fireball') x 'Fireball' } | Pollen Parent: 'Fireball' | ||
Registration Documents 1995, CargoRpt#6-3, #7-5 |