No direct link with 'Takemura Grande'. This was shown as'Fantastic Gardens' in the Bromeliad Cultivar Register 1998 in the 'Isabel' grex of hybrids and should have read 'Grande Fantastic Gardens'. One of the hybridists involved in this was B. Dean Fairchild and he reports the following in May 2005 about 'Grande Fantastic Gardens'. Obtained from Robert Wilson's nursery as 'Fantastic Gardens', Miami and looks like a cross of N. concentrica or N. melanodonta x N. coriacea because of the shape, dark tips and few spines of the leaves. It has slightly thicker leaves than N. concentrica and a coloration more like N. coriacea (a little darker than N. concentrica and a light dusting of trichomes) with an occasional unstable reddish line the length of the leaf and up to its width in some of the leaves. This variegation may appear on some pups and not others.
Takemura Group