NEOREGELIA ‘Oeser's Black Knight’ | Oeser? | <1979 | |
cv. of unknown parentage - One of the many seed distributed chlorosticta? hybrids of Dr. Oeser - typical dark foliage in a 2'-3' wide stacked symmetrical rosette w/rounded red tips and spine - color broken w/yellow in bands and spotting mostly in the upper sections of the rosette - Tropiflora said, "Blood red w/green spots and splashes - glossy leaves". Originally in Register as ' Black Knight' but name amended to differentiate from the other 'Black Knight'. | |||
BSI-ICBH-1979, Zaghini 26ill, KentCat1979, PineapplePl 96, TF1985, MB1998, GolinskiVideo1997 |