NEOREGELIA ‘Banded Spider’ |
Skotak C / E Beach* |
2006 |
Mature, upright rosette to 17cm. diameter x 15cm. high. Leaf width to 3cm. and stolons to 5cm. long. Bronze green leaves marginated creamy yellow with red spottting and some red cross-banding on the obverse. The foliage reverse is heavily cross-banded red. The rosette centre sometimes "pinches together", causing more upright growth. No central blush when blooming. Tricolor Group. Grex siblings = N. 'Jade Spider' and others grouped with N. 'Gremlin'. Reg. Doc. 4/2018 by Eloise Beach. Country of origin: Costa Rica
Seed Parent: (carolinae variegated x Hannibal Lecter) |
Pollen Parent: [(Tiger Cub x lillipuiana) x Small Fry] |