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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (1237) --

CRYPTANTHUS ‘Amargosa Bahia’ Frasier, R.L., (Whitman*) <1991

cv. of unidentified species (SE-14) discovered in Amargosa, Bahia, Brazil - Large to extra large w/open oval shape - undulating leaf w/rust color at the plant's center and leaf edges. Identified as new species warren-loosei by Elton Leme in 1993.

Seed Parent: SE-14
CSJ 4:1 BCill; 8:2/3 p17, BCill