Large long leafed plant - Variable w/white margination and variegation becoming pink-red in good light - Tropiflora said, "A large grower to over 3 ft. - boldly variegated leaves flush a bright pinkish color in good light - the inflorescence is a tall scape with a cluster of 6" orange branches". This cultivar started out in the 1980's as being for sale by Bullis as Aechmea mulfordii variegated. It was then called 'Peaches 'N Cream' in the BSI's " A Preliminary Listing of Cultivar Names" 1991.In thr BCR 1998 it was shown as a cv. of rubens, again an incorrect assumption becaause it seems more closely related to callichroma. Investigation in AU suggests it is better not to link it to any species!