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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

<xQUESMEA (23)

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (11170) 2012-07-08

xQUESMEA ‘Pahoa’ Heckart D 2006

Broad-leaved, tubular, bronze green rosette, flaring at the top, to 60cms. tall in spike. Woody stolons 5cms. long. Short, multi-branched inflorescence has flamboyant pink/orange bracts and pale lavender petals. Pahoa is the place where the breeder lives. The word Pahoa means dagger or knife in the Hawaiian language. Reg. Doc. 5/2012.
Country of origin: Hawaii USA

Seed Parent: Aechmea manzanaresiana Pollen Parent: Quesnelia Tim Plowman