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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

<xNIDUMEA (14)

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (9537) 2018-06-09

xNIDUMEA ‘Midnight’ DeLeon, Nat <1987

cv. of Nidularium innocentii v. innocentii X Aechmea fasciata - (Other cv. = 'Superstar') - Large nice rosette to 70 cm tall in plum-red-purple to black depending on light conditions w/orange-red inner rosette and combination inflorescence - white flowers.
Country of origin: Florida USA

Seed Parent: Nidularium innocentii Pollen Parent: Aechmea fasciata
JBS 33:75; 39:214ill, Baensch 130,131ill, GolinskiVideo1997