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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (17016) 2022-04-04

ALCANTAREA ‘Limelights’ ? circa 1980s

Mature, open rosette to 1.3 metres diameter x 70cm. high. Arching / weeping mossy green leaves marginated or striated creamy yellow with faint silver cross-banding on the obverse. The foliage reverse is heavily-scurfed and lightly on top., more prevalent in the warmer months.. Erect branched spike to 1.25 metres tall with variegated / pink scape bracts and white recurved flowers. .This cultivar is believed to be from the John Farrington collection 18+ years ago but its original origin is unknown. Reg. Doc. 11/2021 by Mitch Jones.
Country of origin: Queensland Australia

Seed Parent: glaziouana Pollen Parent: glaziouana