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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (7407) 2017-01-31

NEOREGELIA ‘Takemura Princeps’ Richter, (Davis, R.*) 1962

Small to medium in dull green marked w/very dark purple spots, bars and splotches. - Elmore says, "Smaller narrower more concentrica like w/a very distinctive recurving leaf shape - turns very dark and purplish in strong light - turns vivid purple in the center when blooming". Bob Work of Miami said, "Not a Richter hybrid - Carribean Gardens of Naples, FL obtained plants of an unknown cross from Holland in the early 60's. Hazel Mueller of Miami bought three of them, all labeled 'Princeps' - Ralph Davis later obtained and named the plant but it was not the 'Vulkan' X johannis cross from Richter-Takemura-Davis - He named that plant 'Japanese Vulkan' - a name which has not survived to today". Much mystery! - See Grande article! Takemura Group

Seed Parent: 'Vulkan'(?) Pollen Parent: johannis(?)
Grande 1:1 art; BSI-ICBH-1979, SDDN1979, TF1980, Work, Bob1998, BromTreasury1983, GolinskiVideo1997