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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (11194) 2012-11-17

BILLBERGIA ‘Nutant Bronze’ Eric J. Gouda 2007

Mature rosette to 30cms. tall with a bronze brown narrow ovoid base and short leaves scarcely pale-spotted as per a normal B.distachia. The inflorescence is stouter than of B.distachia with a sinuous dark pink rachis, green ovaries, pink and blue tipped sepals and green petals with both the margins as well as the tip and part of the midvein blue. See also 'Albertii' . Reg. Doc. 9/2012 by Eric Gouda
Country of origin: Netherlands

Seed Parent: nutans (mini) Pollen Parent: distachia