Version Information
Version 2 (24-02-2017)
- All BCR information from has been included in the BCR now and is easier to be kept up to date for the Regisrar
- The information is ordered in a submenu, so only that part can be viewed
- The BCR layout has more the look and feel of the new site
Version 1.1 (10-04-2013)
- A registration form has been included, with the possibility to upload one or more images. The registered name must be unique and must be approved by the Registrar, as well as the images (already implemented, but not yet activated - argument: register).
- A possibility to upload images in an existing BCR record has been included, but each image has to be approved by the Registrar before showing (already implemented, but not yet activated - argument: register).
- The layout has been changed to be centered like the main BSI web site and with the same background grid, to look more similar.
Version 1.02 (31-10-2011)
- Genus Index and Species indices, including letter icons to jump in the list
- Standard view for BCR records in the old PDF format, with thumbnails of the available images and Doc files
- A show possibility for images in larger size, including caption and watermark
- Backup in CSV (MSExcel) file format (Registrar Only)
- A general search box with some direction radio buttons
- A advanced search form (0.1)
- What's New button will give you the last 30 registrations (0.1.1)
- Genus list has been included in the database, so that the registrar can add new genera (1.01)
- bcrDocs paths has changed to work well from BSI subdomain (1.01)
- Main screen has changed, seems to be not logical that there were two home links (1.01)
- small bug solved with genus selection in advanced search (1.02)
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