The following table summarizes the correspondence between the printed labels and the ‘correct’ labels for issues in Journal of the Bromeliad Society Volume 63.
Labeled as Should be:
62(6)pages 289-336 | -> | 63(1) pages 1-48 |
63(1) pages 1-96 | -> | 63(2-3) pages 49-144 |
63(2) pages 97-144 | -> | 63(4) pages 145-192 |
63(3-6) pages 145-240 | -> | 63(5-6) pages 193-288 |
While there were 4 Journals published in Volume 63, it is not possible to track their sequence given their current numbering so there continues to be much confusion regarding these publications.
Volume 63 Journal Tracking:
This above journal, Harry E. Luther Memorial Issue, numbering did not follow the previously establish numbering system:
It is numbered: Volume 62(6): 241-336 Nov/Dec 2012 & Jan/Feb 2013
It should be numbered: Volumes 62(6) and 63(1): 241-336 Nov/Dec 2012 & Jan/Feb 2013
The journal above also did not follow the previously established numbering system:
It is numbered Volume 63(1): 1-96 Double Issue March –June 2013
It should be numbered: Volumes 63(2) and 63(3): 1-96 Double Issue March – June 2013
The journal above also failed to follow the previously established numbering system:
It is numbered: Volume 63(2): 97-144
It should be numbered: Volume 63(4) 97-144 July – August 2013
It is numbered: Volume 63(3-6) 145-240
It should be numbered: Volume 63(5-6) 193-288 September – December 2013
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