Members Only Content
For the members only content and renewing your membership, you should login, using your email address and password.
If you forgot your password, you can reset it, by entering your email address, new password and press the 'Set or Reset Password' button below.
You will receive an email message to confirm your password right away.
If your email address has changed, and you can not login with the old email address, please contact the Webmaster.
Note: if your email address has changed, you can login with your old email address and make changes to your address record by yourself.
You can renew your membership by 'one click' button using paypal or Card check out and register for the WBC the same time.
If you have not been a member, you can Join the BSI here.
Be sure not to share your password with anybody, because this will disturb your access.
A simultaneous access from a different network address will block your access. Your network address is:
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Accessed from 12-03-2018 [191737x]
(c) 2025 The Bromeliad Society International, All Rights Reserved.
All images copyrighted BSI or their respective owners.