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Purposes of the BSI

The purposes of this society are to promote and maintain public and scientific interest in the research, development, preservation, and distribution of bromeliads, both natural and hybrid, throughout the world.

Bylaws and Standing Rules

The updated version of the BSI Bylaws and Standing Rules as revised and restated at the June 2009 BSI Board Meeting in Pasadena, CA is available for download using the link below.

Download Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) Version of 2011 Bylaws   Get Adobe


President Jay Thurrott, 713 Breckenridge Dr, Port Orange, FL 32127-7528 (president@bsi.org)
Vice-President Bonnie Boutwell, 1319 America St, Mandeville, LA 70448 (vicepresident@bsi.org)
Editor Evan Bartholomew, 13-3588 Moku St, Pahoa, HI, 96778 (editor@bsi.org)
Membership Annette Dominguez, 8117 Shenandoah Drive, Austin, TX 78753-5734 (membership@bsi.org)
Secretary Sarah Donayre, 1240 Jefferson St, Hollywood, FL 33019-1807 (secretary@bsi.org)
Treasurer Ed Doherty, 4039 Herschel Avenue, Dallas, TX 75219 (treasurer@bsi.org)
Webmaster: Nick Bethmann, 726 Forsyth St, Boca Raton, FL 33487-3204 (webmaster@bsi.org)

Directors by Region

Australia Greg Aizlewood (gaizlewood@bsi.org)
Adam Bodzioch (abodzioch@bsi.org)
Peter Tristram(ptristram@bsi.org)
California Rodney Kline (rodney@bsi.org)
Nancy Groves (ngroves@bsi.org)
Florida Steven C. Provost (sprovost@bsi.org)
Gary Lund (glund@bsi.org)
Vicky Chirnside (vchirnside@bsi.org)
Alan Herndon (aherndon@bsi.org)
International Uwe Scharf, Hoyerstrasse 6, Leipzig 04229, Germany (uscharf@bsi.org)
Luiz Felipe Nevares de Carvalho (lcarvalho@bsi.org)
Lyn Wegner (lwegner@bsi.org)
Louisiana Charles Birdsong (cbirdsong@bsi.org)
Texas Gene Powers (gene@bsi.org)
Northeast USA Position Vacant
Southern USA Position Vacant
Central USA Paul Wingert, 27276 Edgemoor Drive, Farmington Hills, MI (pwingert@bsi.org);
Western USA Hannelore Lenz (hannelore@bsi.org)
New Zealand Peter Waters (pwaters@bsi.org)

Honorary Trustees

David H. Benzing, United States; Nat DeLeon, United States; Grace M. Goode, Australia; Alfred B. Graf, United States; Roberto A. Kautsky, Brazil; Marcel Lecoufle, France; Elton M. C. Leme, Brazil; Elmer J. Lorenz, United States; Harry E. Luther, United States; William Morris, Australia; Herb Plever, United States; Peter Waters, New Zealand; Derek Butcher, Australia

Directory of Committee Chairmen and Services

Affiliated Shows: Charles Birdsong
Affiliated Societies: Martha Goode, 826 Buckingham Ct, Crystal Lake, IL 60014-7601 (affiliates@bsi.org)
Archives and Historical: Robert & Janet LaRoe, 401 Oakford Road, Sarasota, FL 34240 (archives@bsi.org)
Conservation: Pierre Ibisch, University of Applied Sciences, Alfred-Moeller Str 1, Eberswalde, Brandenberg 16225, Germany (conservation@bsi.org)
Cultivar Registration: Geoff Lawn, 31 Greenock Ave, Como WA 6152, Australia (cultivars@bsi.org)
Finance & Audit: Betty Patterson, 4205 Gloster Rd, Dallas, TX 75220-3819 (finance@bsi.org)
Judges Certification: Betty Prevatt, 2902 2nd Street, Fort Myers, FL 33916-1930 (judges@bsi.org)
International Liaison: Herb Plever, USA
Nominations: Larry Giroux, 3836 Hidden Acres Cir N, North Ft Myers, FL 33903-7135 (nominations@bsi.org)
Publication Sales: Robert Kopfstein, 6903 Kellyn Ln, Vista, CA 92084-1243 (publications@bsi.org)
Research Grant: Gregory K Brown, University of Wyoming, Dept of Botany, PO Box 3165, Laramie, WY 82071-3165 (grants@bsi.org)
Seed Fund: Harvey C. Beltz, 6327 S Inwood Road, Shreveport, LA 71119-7260
Media Library: Anthony 'Keith' Smith, 1330 Millertown Rd, Auburn, CA 95603-9445 (media@bsi.org)
World Headquarters: Tom Wolfe, 5211 Lake Le Claire Rd, Lutz, FL 33549-4833 (worldhq@bsi.org)
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